Plot The Wrestler is a dramatic tragedy about an aging pro wrestler who is alienated from his daughter and whose only friend is an aging stripper. Randy "The Ram" (Mickey Rourke) is a tragic figure who was a popular entertainer when he was young, but now is old and washed up. He has no close friends or family, and when he gets heart disease, it all seems bleak. He decides to wrestle one more big match even though he is really too sick.
Review: The Wrestler is a lonely, tragic American. The movie plays on the duplicity between the entertainer as a role model/hero and as a real person with real problems. Both Randy and Cassidy (Marisa Tomei) the stripper had entertainment personalities and real life problems. We are sympathetic with Randy the Ram, and I kept waiting for the introductions to end, and the real movie to start. There was little delivery for all the set-up. It is not that entertaining watching someone being lonely.
Cast and crew:
Micky Rourke, Marisa Tomei, Evan Rachel Wood; directed by Darren Aronofsky
Mickey Rourke gives a very good performance, but movie is not as good as that.