Plot: Bob (Tom Hardy) and his cousin Marv (James Gandolfini) work at a bar owned by Chechen gangsters. Marv needs some money so he enlists Eric Deeds (Matthias Schoenaerts) to rob the bar. Detective Torres (John Ortiz) comes around to investigate to raise the tension level. Meantime Bob meets Deeds ex-girl friend Nadia (Noomi Repace) and adopts his old dog. This sets a conflict with Deeds that gets deeper as Marv's plan plays out. [imdb] [photos]
The early film evokes Rocky, the boxing movie, wiht scenes about pets being used to introduce a shy potential girlfriend.
The soundtrack was minimal, and the photography was pretty standard.
Overall, the slow pacing sapped energy, but the well plotted story steadily increased the tension leading to the surprising end.