Plot: Dr Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) is an arrogant New York surgeon who wrecks his hands in a car accident and then gets depressed. He goes to Katmandu to find an Eastern Medicine cure and meets The Ancient One (Tilda Swinton). After a tough introduction he begins studying to be become a sorcerer, along with Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor). Ancient One and crew keep busy fighting off magical bad guys. Soon Kaecilius (Mads Mikkelsen) shows up to about destroy three key temples, and let the earth be devoured by another dimension. Strange picks up some magic weapons and goes off to battle Kaecilius leading to a twist at the end. [imdb] [photos]
The battles themselves are feasts of special effects with mirror planes and sliding objects and buildings turned into gears. Very creative and fun to watch, and a refreshing change from every other action movie.
There is a nice scene at the end between Cumberbatch and Swinton where they quietly talk about death. In other parts they talk about the right thing to do sometimes isn't the legal thing, rather like Utilitarian ethics vs Deontological ethics. Earlier in the movie we get Stan Lee's quick survey of Hinduism as Ancient One starts to tutor Strange. There is actually something in this movie for people who read books.
Highlights were the outstanding world folding special effects --just like Inception but with 6 years better technology. I liked the chemistry between Cumberbatch and McAdams especially early at the hospital. I liked Cumberbatch's acting and most of the other actors too, including Swinton.
Directed by:
The Music:
The Visuals: