Plot: This the prequel where future rogue spy Jack Ryan (Chris Pine) gets recruited into the CIA. It starts when Jack is recovering from a helicopter crash in Afghanistan, where he meets cute med student Cathy (Keira Knightley), and gets recruited into the CIA by shadowy guy Tom (Kevin Costner.) Soon he is snooping on Wall Street banks and their international trading. He finds some fishy Russian trades and suddenly he and Cathy are in Moscow meeting Viktor (Kenneth Branagh), a Putin-like Russian businessman and FSB officer. They uncover a Russian plan to collapse the US economy with a fake terrorist attack timed with selling lots of US bonds. With wild chase scenes and colorful computer hacking, the movie reaches its predictable end. [imdb] [photos]
Happily the plot is easier to understand than other Clancy stories-- probably because this script was not based on a book.
The dialog is wooden and the characters have a leaden sense of duty that overwhelms whatever emotion they might be feeling. The best dialog by far is the dinner scene with Cathy and Victor -- here they talk about Russian literature, hope and disappointment in triple entendre about flirting, the secret mission, and literature.
Chris Pine does a nice job with the stilted tough-guy style acting. He seems likable because of his boyish looks and facial acting.
Visually, we see cool architecture, especially the glassy Russian office building set. The scenes of passing secrets from one agent to the other on the street are cool because they are so well choreographed. The soundtrack by Patrick Doyle is nothing special with no songs that I wanted to download.
The movie has no attempt at a message, but I was happy to see that Cathy, Keira Knightly's character, didn't date her patent. Nice to see a little professional ethics.