Plot: Patrice steals a list of all Nato's secret agents and their cover identities, and Bond (Daniel Craig) is in hot pursuit in Turkey. During the chase, he gets shot by another agent, Eve, (Naomie Harris) and declared dead. The theft's mastermind, Silva, (Javier Bardem) is obsessed with getting revenge on M. Silva hacks into the computers at MI6, and creates a gas explosion. Soon M is under pressure from politicians, and soon she become a decoy in a trap to capture Silva. [imdb] [photos]
This is a darker Bond with few jokes, not very much womanizing, and socializing with the wealthy. The jokes that there are about gadgets from older Bond movies.
Like newer spy movies, the villain is corrupt spy, rather than a business man or a government. Silva is a British Jason Bourne striking back at his spy masters, specifically M.
Like newer spy movies, the villain is corrupt spy, rather than a business man or a government. Silva is a British Jason Bourne striking back at his spy masters, specifically M.
The sniper sequence in Shanghai was a highlight with black silhouettes and blue lights -- very cool. I don't know why the giant blue jelly fish were swimming outside, but I liked them.
As the movie goes on Javier Bardem's Silva gets more of the spot light, and the movie becomes uneven. Bardem is best when he is the crazy hacker who someone thinks of M as a mother figure. He is weakest when he running around London and Scotland with a gang of thugs. The gun play and fist fighting are only average.
The music is very good, and the photography is excellent. The scenes of the house in Scotland are tops.
The music is very good, and the photography is excellent. The scenes of the house in Scotland are tops.