Plot: Jake Lonergran (Daniel Craig) wakes up in a desert with a fancy bracelet welded to his wrist. Soon he beats up some guys, steals their stuff, and heads to town. In the town, he gets arrested, just when he is getting set away, rancher Woodrow Dolarhyde (Harrison Ford) comes to settle an old score with him. Immediately alien fighter jets strafe the town with missles, and fly back to abduct townspeople. Lonergran and Dolarhyde team up to track the aliens down and get their family members back. Pistol-packing Ella Swenson rides along, but soon we see she has a backstory with the aliens. The cowboys recruit a whole posse including crooks and Native Americans to ride on the alien camp.
The stoic heros make the movie drier than I like, but it is truer to the style of the genre. Truth is that I don't like cowboy movies. More chemistry between the characters would have made the end scenes better too. I am a Sci-Fi fan, so I would have liked aliens that we could talk to, not just ugly killing machines.
I thought Daniel Craig made a great cowboy -- he definitely has the look, and he does a great silent stoic cowboy. We see some of Harrison Ford's great facial acting, but most of the time he is being a hard-ass. Olivia Wilde has a fun role where she is not what she seems, and is more modern than the other characters.
The movie could have used more fun. It was always trying to build dark tension, and the characters seldom smiled, and were too serious to joke.