Plot: Tony Stark (Robert Downy Jr) mistakenly creates a super-intelligent robot, Ultron, who wants to pacify the world by killing all the people. The Avengers are mad at Tony, and gripe at one another. Ultron is allied with two new superheroes Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) who cause more in-fighting on the team. Gradually, the Avengers pull themselves together to battle Ultron at the final battle. [imdb] [photos]
I liked the humanization of the heroes, like Hawkeye's (Jeremy Renners) wife and family, and Black Widow's (Scarlett Johansson) flirting.
I did not like Thor and Ironman, they seemed disengaged. In previous movies, Ironman has an interesting personal story, but not here. Thor seemed like a likable alien, but was never engaging. I also liked how the bad-guy was created by the good-guys to prevent very problem they created for themselves. It is like the 2nd Iraq war.
The story is cleverly written to keep so many characters in it. There are jokes and lots of fighting. The plot seems to involve chasing the bad guy and then running away from the bad guy.
They artfully retired Ironman, Hulk and Hawkeye, and recruited new hero Vision and Scarlet Witch for the next movie.