Plot: Lego Batman is hopelessly self-absorbed and egotistical. New police commissioner Barbara Gordon tells Batman he isn't needed. Joker, who is also feeling unappreciated, gathers a band of villains from Lego sets like King Kong, Voldemort and Sauron to attack Gotham City. Meanwhile young orphan Dick Grayson shows up at Wayne Manor. Batman, and Barbara learn that they must work with together to succeed. [imdb] [photos]
As the story spools out, it focuses on Batman's egotistical personality and how he needs to cooperate. This simple message is the most juvenile aspect of the movie. Much of humor goes over kid's heads especially the allusions to the other Batman movies and especially the 1966 TV show. With Batman's ego and superhero humor there is more than enough material for 104 minutes.
Director McKay said he wanted to make a film like Jerry McGuire, About a Boy and Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. "Movies that are about these people who are remote men, who aren't in touch emotionally and have got, maybe, a big pain in their heart, a big hurt that they fear going through the same kind of pain again. And having them overcome it."
I liked 2014's The Lego Movie too. That movie was exploring new ground with the form, and it had modern American workplace theme. In that movie, I often thought about how unusual this Lego format is. I didn't think about the format during this movie at all. It was about the story, and it could have worked with another style like Claymation or more standard CGI animation.
All in all, Lego movie succeeds on its satire, simple redemption story, and humor. It is also fun-to-watch.
Directed by:
The Music:
The Visuals:
Yet More: I saw Lego Batman on a plane when I was sleepy, and the opening sequence that I thought was so funny before just didn't work. Maybe I was too tired.