Plot: Robot designer Deon wants to upload his consciousness program into a spare police robot, but his boss (Sigourney Weaver) won't let him, so he steals the robot and does it anyway. The robot fall into the hands of counter-culture bandits Ninja (Ninja), Amerika (Jose Pablo Cantillo), and Yolanda (Yo-Landi Visser). Yolanda falls in love with the childlike Chappie (Shallto Copley), and he calls her Mommy.
Deon's rival at the robot company Vincent (Hugh Jackman), disables all the police robots to make Deon look bad. Deon struggles to fix Chappie, and in the meantime all the criminals rampage around the city.
Ninja and America take Chappie to rob an armored car, and lie to Chappie because he is programed not to break the law.
There is a term paper worth of philosophical ideas in Chappie. Obviously Chappie is a like a slave, but he also like an entitled police officer oppressing the poor people. The idea that Chappie has a soul despite being a machine says something about religious views of the self. There is also a science fiction version of immortality similar to Battleship Galatica.
Hugh Jackman is a highlight. He played an outstanding villain, and he looks so happy when he was operating his evil robot. Dev Patel plays Deon earnestly, but his character doesn't have enough interesting dialog.
Chappie is very mis-represented by its trailer, which look like Short Circuit, but it is violent, and not funny, although it is absurdly & surreal.