Plot: This is the famous story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves told as a winkingly ironic comedy. There are departures from the story to make the story more modern and a better foil for the ironic humor. In this version, Snow White (Lilly Collins) escapes from stepmom, the Queen (Julia Roberts,) and is sheltered by the Dwarves. The Queen is vain and in need of a husband to buttress her finances. She targets Prince Alcott (Armie Hammer.) Soon Snow White meets Price Alcott, and next Snow White is battling the Queen for his affections. The movie ends with Bollywood-style singing and dancing. link to imdb Photos
The love story is pretty weak, and the Prince is just going through the fairy tale motions.
The art direction is strong and the scenes are fancy, but never really inspired. In many places it looks like a stage show. I wonder if there was a stage version.
There were some reoccurring jokes; like the dwarves stealing peoples clothes, and leaving them in elaborate under-ware. I don't think this is a movie for children, since I don't think they'd like it. I don't think it is for adults either since it is not dark enough. It is hard to tell what effect they were going for.
There were some reoccurring jokes; like the dwarves stealing peoples clothes, and leaving them in elaborate under-ware. I don't think this is a movie for children, since I don't think they'd like it. I don't think it is for adults either since it is not dark enough. It is hard to tell what effect they were going for.