Plot: Four stories from Sin City one about Marv (Mickey Rourke) hunting down some college kids who dissed him. Another about a gambler named Johnny (Joseph Gordon Levitt) who wins too much at a poker game against corrupt Senator Roarke (Powers Booth.) The third about Dwight (John Brolin) who is called by an old girlfriend Ava Lord (Eva Green) to rescue her from her husband, but the husband's bodyguards turn out to be formidable, and Ava's story is not what is seems. Dwight enlists Gail (Rosario Dawson) and her gang of female killers to help out. The final story is about dancer Nancy (Jessica Alba) who wants to kill Rourke to get revenge for his killing of her old boyfriend (Bruce Willis) who is now a ghost. [imdb] [photos]
The characters are trying to be cool too, and therefore they are hard to relate to. Also four stories dilutes the dramatic action. By halfway through the movie, I wanted more characters that I could care about.
At the very end, I thought there is all too much casual killing. By the end of the movie, even this nice characters are just shooting people. As I left the theater, it was hard to be enthusiastic about the film due to the violence and sexism. The magic of the film did not last the whole 102 minutes.