Plot: Caleb (Domhnall Gleeson) spends a week with super-billionaire, computer designer Nathan (Oscar Isaac). Nathan has built a female robot Ava (Alicia Vikander), who Caleb is to interview, and determine if it is a real thinking machine, or just a talk-bot. In a moment of privacy, Ava reveals that Nathan is lying about everything. Two sudden plot twists drive the movie to the end. [imdb] [photos]
The dialog is wonderful especially between Caleb and Ava. Almost as good is the philosophical dialog between Caleb and Nathan about the morality of artificial intelligence.
Having said that, Ex Machina, is basically conversation with robots or about robots, and the pace is slow -- in the art movie style of slowing the pace to let us process the big ideas and symbolism. I found it a too slow generally.
I liked the plot twists, and the overall ending -- though I felt sorry for one of the characters.
Overall, I was disappointed. I liked the highly conceptual sci-fi story with many issues including sex slavery. It is an average movie bumped up by the big ideas, and dropped down by the lack of fun. The most fun is talking about it later.