Plot: Norman can talk to dead people. In his New England town, there is a long dead witch who cursed the town years ago. Norman needs to talk to her, so she will call off a zombie plague.
Norman can't quite manage that so the zombies show up to harass him, his sister, his friend Neil, Neil's brother, and a bully from school.
Soon the people of the town are out to lynch the zombies, and Norman has to puzzle out the answer before its too late. [imdb link] [photos]
The story is resolved with a fairly obvious role-reversal. The 3D make the visuals a little crisper, but there is not much interesting to see. No spectacle to see and limited imagination aside from the scenes of the sky.
Overall, ParaNorman lacks anything of value. It was over-rated by the critics who give dynamite ratings to any kid's movie that isn't complete drival.
I wish I'd seen something else.