Plot: Frank (George Clooney) and Casey (Britt Robertson) find magic coins, and get one-time visit to a futuristic utopia called Tomorrowland. When they snap back to reality, they are greeted by a young girl Athena (Raffery Cassidy), who has tries to recruit them. Soon Casey finds Frank, and they hook up with Athena to journey to Tomorrowland, which is no longer a utopia.
The acting was great throughout. I liked the alienness of Athena from the young Raffery Cassidy who shows a not quite human girl. George Clooney has some great moments too. He delivers some great pessimistic lines to keep the mood from getting too cheesy.
Last week I saw Mad Max: Fury Road with its implicitly catastrophic view of the future. Tomorrowland has a deliberately positive and optimistic view -- rather like the early Star Trek shows & movies. Both movies were fun, Mad Max being cool and desperate; and Tomorrowland being hopeful and determined.
Last week I saw Mad Max: Fury Road with its implicitly catastrophic view of the future. Tomorrowland has a deliberately positive and optimistic view -- rather like the early Star Trek shows & movies. Both movies were fun, Mad Max being cool and desperate; and Tomorrowland being hopeful and determined.
What I didn't like was the science fiction mumbo-jumbo in the end to set up the (NOT A SPOILER) happy ending. The fast-moving, wonder-based story took a left-turn into lengthy exposition to set up a vague, last-gasp project and a big PG-rated fight. The big fight being the only part of Tomorrowland that felt like a kid's movie.