Plot: 7th grader Oliver (Jaeden Lieberher) moves in next to drunken asshole Vincent (Bill Murray), and inexplicably his Mom (Melissa McCarthy) signs up Vincent as Oliver's after school baby sitter. Of course, Vincent takes Oliver to the bar, to the track, let's him watch old comedies on TV and introduces him to stripper/prostitute/girlfriend Daka (Naomi Watts). [imdb] [photos]
St Vincent is a black comedy where I was not amused by how big an asshole Vincent is. It was funny that anyone would spend any time with him. I'd bolt the door or maybe move.
Like many movies, the child's dialog is far too adult -- so much so that it was distracting. Of course, distraction is welcome.
Happily Melissa McCarthy is likable and fun. I also liked pregnant girlfriend Naomi Watts. The two women had jobs. Vincent just sits on his butt drinking, gambling, and extorting babysitting money from the neighbors.
Other low lights include the gross eating scene at the end where Bill Murray crudely eats spaghetti with his mouth open. I hated the Dylan music over the end credits.
It is too big a chore to watch this jerk. I can't believe I paid to watch this. Yuk.