Plot: Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) and girlfriend Gwen (Emma Stone) graduate from high school as Spiderman helps rescue people and fight minor criminals. Meanwhile former classmate Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan) learns he is terminally ill, and that research carried out by Peter's father on spiders might be the key. He wants to get some of Spiderman's blood to use as the therapy. Peter says no, and Harry enlists electric-power man Max Dillion (Jamie Foxx) to help him get Spiderman's blood. Gwen comes to battle Max, and Harry shows up to aid Max. After a big fight, buildings are smashed, and people die. [imdb] [photos]
The special effects were a highlight; basically the flying scenes and the fighting scenes were great. I liked all the electricity sparking around. I need to say that Spiderman in his suit was too skinny, and he moved too fast among the skyscrapers, and also his suit was often to bright for the background. Spiderman in costume was always a CGI character, and that didn't always work.
Andrew Garfield is not a strong enough actor to hang a major franchise on. Emma Stone was OK, but if Andrew would have delivered his lines better the whole movie would have been better. Yes, sharper dialog would have helped too, but the core problem was the acting.
Garfield did not seem sincere enough, always too ironic. The comic relief never helped. (Most superhero movies have comic scenes, but this movie did not mix the comedy with the drama very well.) I really liked the early scenes of Jamie Foxx -- a vivid character created in a few minutes.
Good soundtrack: I bought two songs.
Bottom line: Amazing Spiderman 2 is fun-to-watch. It isn't the greatest, but it is still good.
Bottom line: Amazing Spiderman 2 is fun-to-watch. It isn't the greatest, but it is still good.