Plot: Dr Frank Pym (Michael Douglas), invented a shrinking technology that makes people shrink to ant-sized, or grow to Paul Bunyan size. Thirty years ago, Pym's wife was trapped in the super-miniature "quantum realm", and now Ant-man/Scott (Paul Rudd) and the Pyms' now-grown daughter Hope/Wasp (Evangeline Lilly) try to save her. They are opposed by the FBI, a local gangster, and Ghost/Ava (Hanna John-Kamen), who was injured in a shrinking technology accident as a girl. [imdb] [photos]
There is no science in this movie that hold up, but there were a few things I liked. The did just make stuff up, and the joked about putting the word quantum in front of what ever they wanted. However. They had real quantum mechanical calculations on the board in the science lecture, although who writes on chalk boards anymore? The quantum realm had virtual particles just popping up from the spatial ooze. I liked that. It would have been cool if they could have done something visual with the plank length.
Paul Rudd is not my favorite actor, but he does a goodjob with the half-serious role he has.
Directed by:
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