Plot: Hail Caesar is a spoof of 1950's movie studios. It tells the story of Eddie Mannix (Josh Brolin), the busy head of movie studio, and it has three subplots; star Baird Whitlock (George Clooney) getting kidnapped off the set and being held for ransom; Western star Bert Gurney (Alden Ehrenreich) making a high society picture badly; and DeeAnna Moran (Scarlett Johansson), a clone of Ester Williams, who is pregnant and between husbands. [imdb] [photos]
George Clooney is all over the trailer, and he has a few great reaction shots. His part is not that large.
A highlight is the dialog between Mannix and his priest where he talks about his job, and how it is hard but he feels a calling. He compares that to taking a higher paying job at Lockheed. The movie seems to think making movies is more important, and this may be the real message of the film from the Coens.
As I left the movie, I said 2 stars, not so fun, only a little funny, and what was the point? As I write about it, I see it has a message from our celebrity writer/producer/directors justifying their life work. In that sense it is autobiograpical, and a love note to their industry.
Written and directed by:
The Visuals: