Monday, December 8, 2008

Frank Miller's Sin City

imdb Photos

Plot form IMDB

Sin City is a colorized, live-action comic book; sometimes frame-by-frame from Frank Miller's dramatic graphic novels. There are a few story lines involving Superheroes, struggling cops, and brave hookers. The story is less important than the bold, dramatic art direction and photography. The black and white photography is gripping, and made more so, but a few painted, colorized items in a scene.

The movie is just for fun, and it revels in violence and shocking scenes. Obviously it degrades women; And men and civilization too. Of course it was fun to watch in visceral sort of way. The movie is relentlessly violent. It is of also a visual and cinematic masterpiece.

Cast and crew:
Many stars; directed by Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez



What is the opposite of chik-flik? what is the opposite of date-movie?

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