Saturday, April 25, 2009

Earth - Disney Documentary

imdb   Photos

Plot: This a giant nature video about animals all around the world. It hopscotches from animal to animal, from winter to summer, and from continent to continent. 

Review: This movie has some awe inspiring photography especially the scenes with thousands of birds or fish. The movie is disjointed as it travels across the world -- after all it tackles the whole "Earth" in just ninety minutes. A really inspiring score could have helped, but this score was only serviceable. 

My wife tells me that the polar bear walrus fight was in the Planet Earth TV series, so there is some repeat between the two. The producers say that they are distinct creations. 

I thought this was good for a while, but it got tiring, and I would have liked a story. Unlike some viewers, I did not think that there was too much narration. 

Cast and crew:
Narrated by James Earl Jones; Written and directed by Alastair Fothergill and Mark Linfield  
Rating: 1.5 flasks

A better movie would have focused on part of the "Earth," not the whole thing. 

Even More:
You have to feel sorry for the Daddy Polar Bear.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I read that some of the same photography and footage was used. Mom is right. It was the same camera crew and everything. There's the shark and seal thing too, among others, I've heard.