Sunday, May 24, 2009

Rachel Getting Married (2008)

imdb Photos

Plot: Kym (Anne Hatheway) gets out of a mental facility for her sister Rachel's (Roslyn Ruff) wedding. She meets and engages her father, her sister, her new brother-in-law, and her Mom. This family has a lot of issues, and Rachel's visit brings them all out.

Review: Excellent dialog with a number of moving scenes. This was a bit like the Breakfast Club or The Big Chill with lots of interpersonal relationship based conversation set in a not-quite realistic setting. Anne Hatheway's performance is wonderful to watch, and Roslyn Ruff is also tops. The music is good, although the dancing scenes got long. Jenny Lumet's script is intelligent, and while it is not realistic, nobody is really interested in realistic dialog.

Cast and crew: Anne Hatheway, Roslyn Ruff; directed by Jonathan Demme; written by Jenny Lumet.

Rating: 3.5 flasks

Great tribute to multiculturalism



Michelle said...

Ugh, NO. I tried to watch this movie at a friend's house and it was horrible. In fact, I did not finish watching it. I did not care about any of the characters and all the scenes where they were whining and carrying on were boring. I admit, I was probably affected by my hatred for Anne Hathaway, though. Like half a star from me. These people are old enough and have known each other long enough where shit like this shouldn't be happening anymore.

Greg Turco said...

Well, Jenny agrees with you. She says its melodramatic and self-indulgent.

I think it is self-indulgent and not realistic, but in a good way. These dialog based movies are best when they are not realistic.