Saturday, October 10, 2009

Capitalism: A Love Story

imdb link  Photos

Plot: Film-maker and activist Michael Moore raps on wealth, poverty,democracy, plutocracy and the Great Recession, punctuated with a few stunts.  The film has a number of loosely connected segments. 

Review:This movie was entirely too one-sided. I am a fairly moderate person, but this movie had a lot of old-style union rhetoric that left me behind. Michael has lost his populism, and become a preacher for work-place reform.

The best segments are the introduction to capitalism at about ten minutes in, and the interviews with the Socialist Catholic Priests. The worst part is the overly partisan, and biased treatment of complicated subjects. The endless scenes of Michael being blocked by building guards at banks are just boring. How many times do we need to see this?

Cast and Crew: starring, written and directed by Michael Moore

Rating: 1.5 flasks

More: First, this is not "A Love Story," The movie's sub-title had no part in this film. There is no pretense of a love story. If it is sarcasm, then it is pretty weak.

Even More: Second, why can't journalists understand derivatives? They are not that hard. Why is it so common to roll your eyes and pretend the audience is too stupid to understand them.

Yet More: The worst Michael Moore movie of all. Worse than Sicko.

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