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Plot: A straight-forward adaptation of Dicken's book. You know the story . . .
Review: The movie done in CGI 3D animation, and the 3D effect is the best I have seen. It actually enhanced the viewing experience -- not just a novelty. The CGI characters were unevenly rendered. Scrooge was well done in CGI and seemed to show emotions -- as good as any CGI movie character. Conversely, the minor characters were not good. Zemeckis was unwilling or unable to make these characters interesting and realistic. They seemed deliberately fuzzy and wooden -- maybe to save money. Distractingly poor.
There are some great adaptations of this great story, and Disney's does not measure up. The beginning is good, but the Ghosts of Christmas Present and Future miss the mark. The movie is not scary enough and the happy ending is not happy enough. The movie lacks soul and the poor rendering of the minor characters only made that worse.
Voice Actor: Jim Carrey
Crew: Directed by Robert Zemeckis; based on the classic book by Charles Dickens
Rating: 2.0 flasks

More: People who have not read the book are missing something. You should read it -- it's short.
Even More: The title should not be Disney's A Christmas Carol; it is Dicken's A Christmas Carol.Plot: A straight-forward adaptation of Dicken's book. You know the story . . .
Review: The movie done in CGI 3D animation, and the 3D effect is the best I have seen. It actually enhanced the viewing experience -- not just a novelty. The CGI characters were unevenly rendered. Scrooge was well done in CGI and seemed to show emotions -- as good as any CGI movie character. Conversely, the minor characters were not good. Zemeckis was unwilling or unable to make these characters interesting and realistic. They seemed deliberately fuzzy and wooden -- maybe to save money. Distractingly poor.
There are some great adaptations of this great story, and Disney's does not measure up. The beginning is good, but the Ghosts of Christmas Present and Future miss the mark. The movie is not scary enough and the happy ending is not happy enough. The movie lacks soul and the poor rendering of the minor characters only made that worse.
Voice Actor: Jim Carrey
Crew: Directed by Robert Zemeckis; based on the classic book by Charles Dickens
Rating: 2.0 flasks

More: People who have not read the book are missing something. You should read it -- it's short.
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