Saturday, April 17, 2010


imdb link  Photos

Plot: Kick-Ass (Aaron Johnson) is a high school boy and wanna-be Superhero, who falls in with more seasoned superheroes Big Daddy and Hit Girl. Kick-Ass has many embarrassing adventures chasing low-lifes around the Bronx. He makes up an excuse to hide his secret identity, and soon a pretty girl befriends him because she thinks he is gay. Later, they take down a local Mafia lord, and there is a big fight at the end.  Child hero Hit Girl does most of the killing.

Review: Very entertaining. The film has a voice over narration and a light comedic feel that make the plot's high body count acceptable. While there is a lot of violence, it is comic action with people dying from single blows, and very little blood. Some of the worst violence is off-screen.

The movie is carried by the character of Hit Girl (Chloe Moretz) who is an eleven year old, that fights like Trinity from The Matrix, and who says "cunt," "fuck" and all the words your Mother disapproves of. Moretz, who delivers her lines with great earnestness, has made many TV episodes.

The script is the biggest star. The story is well told, and is a crowd-pleaser. I also liked the high school soap opera plotline. I liked the incorporation of YouTube and streaming video into the story.

The movie is fun enough for a 3.5 or 4.0 star rating, and you have to love the fight scenes were Hit Girl chews up busloads of bad guys. The acting from Cage and from Johnson don't measure up, and girlfriend Katie Deauxma (Lyndsy Fonseca) is not good. The movie is strictly for fun, and has no serious message of any sort. 

I have three favorite scenes. The first is a parody of Darth Maul twin bladed light saber in Phantom Menace, where Hit Girl does the same moves with a double-tipped spear. The second when Hit Girl does a parody of Trinity and Neo passing the security guards in The Agent's headquarters in The Matrix. The third is also from the Matrix where Neo shoots the agents from a helicopter, and I don't want to give too much plot away.

Cast: Aaron Johnson, Chloe Moretz, Nicholas Cage

Directed by: Matthew Vaughn, based on the comic book by Mark Millar and John Romita

Rating: 3 flasks; The funnest movie of the season.

More: There should be a Hit Girl Sequel.

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