Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Losers

imdb link  Photos

Plot: Five special ops soldiers are double-crossed on a drug raid in Boliva by a trigger-happy rogue CIA agent, Max (Jason Patric), and they are left for dead. Their leader, Clay (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) leads them to a Bolivian city where they meet Aisha (Zoe Saldana) who bankrolls their return to the US to get revenge on Max. In the US, they have a series of missions leading up to their confrontation with Max at the end of the movie.

Review: The Losers was a solid, pleasant movie going experience. It is not great because the story is pretty thin, and the character-based action is not strong enough. There are a few scenes that are humorous and campy, and a few scenes play straight for action. The director, Sylvian White, tries to set up chemistry between the characters, and this begins to work, but not quite well enough.

Jeffrey Dean Martin does a nice job as the lead actor. Zoe Saldana play a good tough action hero, but the chemistry just begins to work.

A little more creativity in choosing and motivating the bad guy would have helped.  The movie works best if you don't ask why, and just eat the popcorn.

Cast: Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Zoe Saldana

Directed by: Sylvian White

Rating: 2 flasks

More: It is completely conventional for action movie heros to be fighting rogue US government villains. It was so generic here that it just seems funny. 

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