Plot: John Carter (Taylor Kitsch) is a former confederate officer who stumbles on a Thern, an advanced space alien, whom he shoots and then teleports himself to Mars. Mars has two nations of human people and one nation of 4-armed green people. John Carter has super-powers due to having grown-up in earth gravity. There is a war between the human races, and the Helium nation is about to be defeated by the Zadanga nation. A princess of Helium, Dejah Thoris (Lynn Collins,) has to marry Zadangan leader Sab Thane (Dominic West) as part of the terms of surrender. Dejah does not like this, and she leads an winged attack on the Zadanga. The Thanes are helping the Zadangas in win the battle when John Carter shows up and with his super powers stops the bad guys. In time, John Carter falls in love with Dejah, and he tries to prevent the wedding with Sab. This leads to the final battle, and post-climax scenes that set-up the next sequel. imdb Photos
A lot of the action scenes seemed very fast, which might have been deliberate to make the film move faster, but it made the movie less cool to watch. The idea of a walking city is kind of cool, but the appearance of it was not. It should be interesting to fly underneath the legs of the walking city, but somehow it wasn't.
In the end the love story was interesting, and John Carter's final triumph over the Thanes at the end was clever too.
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