Plot: TV journalist Kim Baker goes to Kabul, Afghanistan during the war with the Taliban. It shows her struggling in Kabul with the people, the war, and the restrictions of women with the help of fixer Ali (Alfred Molina). She meets reporters Tanya (Margot Robbie) and Iain (Martin Freeman) and they talk about stories and drink too much. It's based on a memoir with a series of incidents rather than a traditional dramatic structure with a climatic conclusion. [imdb] [photos]
It's based on a memoir, so it's based on a series of incidents in chronological order. This means there is no overarching plot with its climatic ending, and this makes it less satisfying somehow. People complain that all movies are the same, but when a movie isn't the same -- people say something is the matter with it.
Aside from Tina Fey's performance, Margot Robbie and Martin Freeman are fine, perhaps a little too "large" and comedic for a drama. They don't get any dramatic lines.
Now that I've seen it, I can't name any favorite scenes.
Directed by:
Based on the book by: Kim Barker called The Taliban Shuffle
The Visuals:
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